
The Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important factor in the area of health and wellness. It is a supplement that aids or assists in the growth of our bone structure. 

The most common way to get Vitamin D is basically by spending more time outdoors. It has many benefits that keeps our health steady.

Vitamin D is a major factor in fighting off various diseases or illnesses. This includes reducing the risk of multiple sclerosis (MS), decreasing heart disease, regulation of mood, reduction of depression and support of weight loss. In addition it promotes various areas of health as seen in the photo above.

A regular check up with your doctor is a chance to see where your vitamin levels are. If your levels are low then it is a good time to make sure that you get enough time outdoors. 

Stronger bone density, mood reduction, eliminating diseases, yes this Vitamin is another key in great health and wellness.

Ensure You’re Getting Enough Vitamin D

You probably know that this vitamin is important for strong bones, but new research
shows that it packs many additional health benefits as well. Even though our bodies
make this nutrient naturally when we’re exposed to sunlight, more than one billion
people worldwide suffer from a deficiency.

Basic Facts and Easy Ways

Basic Facts About Vitamin D

  1. Understand how vitamin D strengthens your bones. This vitamin is also a
    hormone. It controls calcium absorption and builds strong bones and teeth
    while reducing your risk of osteoporosis.

2. Protect your physical health. Studies are discovering more good stuff about the
sunshine vitamin. It can also help protect you from certain cancers, heart
disease, asthma, type 1 and type 2 diabetes and hypertension.

  1. Learn about the mental health benefits. Vitamin D may also help you to think
    and feel better. In older adults, it’s been found effective in improving cognitive
    functions and alleviating depression.

4. Recognize the risk factors for vitamin D deficiency. As we age, our kidneys
have to work harder to convert vitamin D into its active form, so we may need
supplements. The same is often true for mothers breastfeeding infants, people
with darker skin, and those with conditions like Chron’s disease or milk allergies.

5 .Know your individual needs. The Institute of Medicine bases their
recommendations on age, so they suggest at least 400 IU from birth to 12 months,
600 IU for children and adults, and 800 IU for seniors over 7
1. Depending on their
age and medical condition, some individuals may need 2,000 to 4,000 IUs,
which is still regarded as safe.

  1. Get tested. While bone pain and muscle weakness are possible, the symptoms
    of vitamin D deficiency are often very subtle. Your doctor can give you a simple
    blood test to be sure. It’s called a 25 hydroxyvitamin D test and blood levels of 20
    nanograms per milliliter are usually considered healthy.

  1. Talk with your doctor about drug interactions. Some drugs like steroids can
    lower vitamin D levels while others like statins can raise them. Your doctor can
    help you find a safe level for you.

Easy Ways To Get Enough

  1. Be smart about sun exposure. Our bodies are very efficient at making vitamin
    D, so keep using your sunscreen to prevent skin cancer and premature aging.
    About 10 minutes a day on your arms may be all you need, especially if you live in a
    sunny climate.

  1. Drink your milk. Only a few foods contain vitamin D naturally but many are
    fortified with it. Almost all milk in the United States supplies at least 400 IU per
    quart, which is the main reason why the bone disease rickets has virtually

3. Eat more fatty fish. Fish and fish oil are among the most potent sources of vitamin D. Three ounces of salmon will cover all your daily needs.

  1. Add other vitamin D fortified foods to your diet. More good choices include
    yogurt, breakfast cereals and orange juice. Check the labels to be sure of what
    you’re getting.

5. Maintain a healthy body weight. Excess fat cells also block the absorption of
vitamin D. That’s one more good reason to watch your calories and exercise

6. Consider supplements. Supplements come in two forms. Both D2 and D3
versions are good for you but D3 is the better choice. It’s closer to the natural
vitamin D your body produces, so the effects are quicker and last longer.

This vitamin is important for your bones and overall health. Meet your requirements
through sensible sun exposure and a healthy diet or talk with your doctor if you think
you need supplements.

Matt Lacefield
Matt Lacefield

Hi, I'm Matt Lacefield, Healwell Co-Founder of Health & Wellness Matters Most, Healwell Studios and Wellness Writer. I write for you, to bring you the best and most accurate information that we're able to curate for you regarding these key health topics. Always do your best and never let yourself down! But give yourself grace if you do :) Don't hesitate to reach out to let me know what area of overall wellness interests you most! Don't forget to support H&WMM with a Like, Comment or Reshare with friends - Matt

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