
Health and Wellness of Our Children

When it comes to the health and wellness of our children it is very important. Parents take into consideration the mental health and well being of their children.

Children look to their parents for support in matters of health. It is vital for a parent to show a more proactive attitude regarding the well being of their child. 

This is as to say a prevention of a child further experiencing matters such as depression or any kind of illness.

Tips to Keep Your Children Healthy

Being overweight is unhealthy. Being underweight also has health risks. Research proves that about 80% of overweight children grow up obese. It increases their cancer risk and can lead to bullying and low self-esteem. Then, you want your child to be healthy.

Pause for a moment and think about your own exercise and eating habits.

What would you say about them?

Would you like your kids to have habits like yours, or could they do better?

How can you get your children to stay active and have good eating habits?

Use these tips into your daily routine:

1.Talk to your kids about the importance of being healthy. Teach them that different types of food give different types of energy. Help them understand that if they want to get big and tall, they need building blocks – food with natural nutrients.

2.Encourage daily exercise. You could tell your kids to exercise directly. But a more effective method is to squeeze in a bit of exercise at different times during the day. They may not even notice it.

You can tell them to walk the dog or take them to the playground, so they can play with their friends.

Take a walk with them before or after dinner.

Make exercise fun.

Challenge them to beat you in a race.

3.Limit unhealthy and calorie-rich temptations. Control what foods you buy and eat. The availability of high fat, sugary, or salty snacks will prevent your kids from developing healthy eating habits.

Kids naturally eat what is available at home—stock up on fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and proteins.

4.Limit screen time. What do we often do when watching something on our phones, computer, or TV? We mindlessly snack. That is not a good habit to encourage in your children. When they have nothing to do, encourage them to keep busy with things other than watching screens.

5.Eat as a family. Unless they have special dietary concerns, they should eat what the family eats. Kids are more likely to eat their fruits and vegetables if they see everyone else doing so.

What if your kids are against the idea of eating together? They will be more willing if you try to involve them in the meal preparation process.

Another important tip is to avoid using mealtime as an opportunity to give lectures.

6.Practice portion control. This training helps children eat what they need, not simply because they want to. Serve food on smaller plates to make meals look larger. Dish them out on the counter, not at the dining table.

The goal is to keep your children healthy.

Make sure they are receiving a healthy, balanced diet. Don’t forget to commend your children for their effort in obeying you.

As you work on helping them, ensure that you help yourself, too.

Don’t ignore your health. Your children need you alive.

You love them dearly, so help them develop healthy habits they will carry throughout their lives.

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Matt Lacefield
Matt Lacefield

Hi, I'm Matt Lacefield, Healwell Co-Founder of Health & Wellness Matters Most, Healwell Studios and Wellness Writer. I write for you, to bring you the best and most accurate information that we're able to curate for you regarding these key health topics. Always do your best and never let yourself down! But give yourself grace if you do :) Don't hesitate to reach out to let me know what area of overall wellness interests you most! Don't forget to support H&WMM with a Like, Comment or Reshare with friends - Matt

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