
Author: Matt Lacefield

For tips to boost your immune system

7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

One of the primary causes of dying of “old age” is illness. An ineffective immune system makes it much more likely that someone will die

heathy heart from keeping your cholesterol levels good.

12 Ways to Manage Your Cholesterol

If your doctor is telling you that your cholesterol is too high, you’re probably wondering about your options. Drugs like statins can lower your cholesterol,

Strong healthy mind

8 Ways to Keep Your Mind Healthy

It is said that if you keep your mind healthy as you grow you are less likely to experience memory loss. Keeping your mind strong

Mental Health


Social anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders globally, and it affects millions of people. Do you get nervous before social events? 


A Happy Healthy Heart …

Everyone wants to have a healthy heart and there are ways to make that happen. What can be said about the most important organ in


The Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important factor in the area of health and wellness. It is a supplement that aids or assists in the growth of


Health and Wellness of Our Children

When it comes to the health and wellness of our children it is very important. Parents take into consideration the mental health and well being


The Benefits of Drinking Water

There are many benefits in drinking water each and every day. It is said that 8 glasses of water should be consumed normally. Benefits such


Benefits of Hiking….

Hiking is an exciting exercise that many people do on a daily basis. There are many benefits. The benefits of hiking include: a build of


Benefits of Environmental Wellness

Environmental wellness can be summed as caring for surroundings both personal and professional. People have displayed their attentiveness to the environment by living a healthier,

Mental Health

The Realistic Healthy Thinking

The realistic healthy thinking is a “ in the moment” boost to our mental health and wellness. Having a healthy, more realistic thought is a

Mental Health

A Mental Wellness Talk

Mental wellness or well being is a concept that guides our daily existence. The importance of mental wellness is one that helps us face the


Four Factors of Wellness

The road to wellness goes in either direction. I view wellness as a broad term because there is a whole lot more to it. It


Understanding Longevity

Days pass by at the speed of light. It is everyone’s dream to live long on earth, fulfill their dreams and enjoy the fruits of their labor. None ever envision an old age of diseases and ill health. Even as we dream of hitting the 90s and 100s, we still expect to be as healthy as we are now. The good thing is that your body from birth will be the same body you will use until the casket. Therefore, the longevity of your life depends on the care and maintenance you give to your body.


Snoring or Sleep Apnea?

The number one symptom of sleep apnea is snoring. Usually the first sign of sleep apnea comes from snoring. But, to tell the difference is