
A Cup Of Coffee and A Great Read…..

A great start to your day is the goal with both a great book and a wonderful cup of coffee!

A normal day for me is to have my cup of coffee. In addition I would enjoy sitting down to read a good book. 

Reading is a favorite of mine and has been for a long time. What does reading a book and a cup of coffee do for health/wellness?

Well, it helps you begin your day on the right foot.

Having a cup along with reading a book helps calm you. It is peaceful, relaxing and it helps you feel centered in your life. 

There is a healthy connection.

Health benefits of coffee…

Coffee itself has many health benefits for you. I will share with you some facts that are based on scientific evidence.

Coffee boost energy levels because of the caffeine fights fatigue and increases your energy levels. Which will help improve people’s endurance if it is drank before you exercise.

A cup of coffee per day is linked to lower type 2 diabetes by 6% over long term use and linked to lowering risk for depression by 8%.

Drinking 2-4 cups of coffee per day increases longevity and is tied to a 15% reduced risk of heart disease. Also, 2 or more cups per day is linked to lower rates of scarring and liver cancer.

Drinking coffee regularly and moderate amounts can lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Finding a good book to read will keep you intrigued and occupied is a key factor.

Health benefits of reading…

Reading exercises the brain and helps with improving literacy, increases general knowledge and teaches empathy.

Reading can help with improving your concentration and your ability to focus. Also,it helps with reducing stress and can improve sleep.

So, grabbing a cup will give you more time to read a good book. Which in turn will be helpful to for health.

Matt Lacefield
Matt Lacefield

Hi, I'm Matt Lacefield, Healwell Co-Founder of Health & Wellness Matters Most, Healwell Studios and Wellness Writer. I write for you, to bring you the best and most accurate information that we're able to curate for you regarding these key health topics. Always do your best and never let yourself down! But give yourself grace if you do :) Don't hesitate to reach out to let me know what area of overall wellness interests you most! Don't forget to support H&WMM with a Like, Comment or Reshare with friends - Matt

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